Competition Rules United Nations of Ju-Jitsu
Sport within Ju-Jitsu is a test of Ju-Jitsu, Self-Defence, Free Fighting and groundwork skills. While in its pure form it can never be a sport. Sportive contests allow for our members to test themselves in Ju-Jitsu related skills and techniques within safe perimeters.
There are eight potential sections, these are;
- Random Attacks
- Sparring
- Groundfighting
- Empty Hand Kata
- Weapons Kata
- Pairs Demonstrations
- Two Person Kata
- Team Demonstration
Random Attacks
This category is determined by belt grade, and weights are not required. The categories are at the discretion of the Senior Official.
- Group 1 - Peewee's Any grade 6 - 8years old
- Group 2 - Novice - Orange Grades
- Group 3 - Orange Green Tab - Green
- Group 4 - Blue - Purple
- Group 5 - Brown - Black
- Group 1 - Novice - Yellow
- Group 2 - Green - Blue
- Group 3 - Purple - Brown
- Group 4 - Black
SENIORS OVER 40 years old
- Group 1 - White - Blue
- Group 2 - Blue & above
Notes; In the case where the clubs use yellow as the first grade & orange as their second grade, then these belts would fall into group 1 for the seniors & group 2 for the juniors.
Official attacks per group category:
White / Yellow / Orange (1 - 5)
Green / Blue (1 - 12)
Purple / Brown (1 - 20)
Dan Grades (1 - 40)
- Right hand roundhouse punch to the head
- Right downward punch to the midriff
- Double handed strangle from behind
- Right straight punch to the head
- Double handed strangle from the front
- Front hair grab
- Right hand upper cut to the solar plexus
- Grab from the front arms free
- Right hand to right wrist grab
- Right hand hammer blow to the head
- Grab from behind arms free
- Left hand lapel grab
- Full nelson
- Two handed strangle from right side
- Head chancery from the left side
- Right grab on left wrist
- Strangle between the legs (on floor)
- Head chancery from the right side
- Grab from the front with both arms trapped
- Grab from behind with both arms trapped
- Strangle over legs / body
- Double wrist grab from the rear
- Double lapel grab from the front followed by a head butt
- Right knife thrust to the midriff
- Right knife slash to neck
- Right hand overhead knife attack
- Right handed back slash to the neck with knife
- Right hand downward blow to the head with a baton
- Right side thrust kick
- Right front kick to groin/midriff
- Right backslash with baton to side of head
- Ground strangle from right side
- Back arm and collar hold
- Left roundhouse punch to the head
- Right roundhouse kick to the solar plexus
- Right lapel grab and left punch
- Double wrist grab from the front
- Left footed front snapping kick to groin
- Left hand upper cut to the solar plexus
- Reverse Headlock
There are no grade requirements in this category. Categories are determined by weight only and are at the discretion of the Senior Official. For juniors the minimum age is 12 years old.
- Group 1 - 12 - 13 years old
- Group 2 - 14 - 17 years old
- Male:
- Under 68kg
- 68kg - 75kg
- 75kg - 82kg
- 82kg - 90kg
- 90kg & over
- Female:
- Under 60kg
- Over 60kg
- Over 40 years old
- will be split in to two categories Lightweight & Heavyweight
During the sparring all competitors must wear Gumshields, Headguards, Kick Boots, Groin Protectors (males) and Gloves. The kick boots and gloves must be of the standard set by the Senior Official, and boots should cover the toe nails. All safety equipment will be checked by the competition Officials and passed as suitable. Females are recommended to wear Chest Protectors. In all cases the suitability of the safety equipment the Senior Officials decision is final.
No glasses should be worn during sparring. All jewellery must be removed. Toe and fingernails must be kept short to avoid risk of injury to others. In the event of rings that cannot be removed, these must be covered with tape.
In the case of a contestant having an open cut or skin sore, this area of the skin must be covered in such a way that the covering does not become loose or come off during the contest. The decision of the Senior Official in these cases will be final.
In all cases of blood being spilt on the mat or within the area of the mat, the person loosing the blood will clean the spillage. The area should then be cleaned with a sterile swab and neutralizing agent. Other than the cut person any other person involved in this action must wear surgical gloves.
The scoring in this round is as follows;
- 1 point for a kick or punch. 3points for a take down. 5points for a clean throw. 5points for a standing lock.
- The target areas for strikes are the head and body above the waist, this being the Abdomen, solar Plexus and Ribs. Reasonable force is permitted to the body and light force only to the head. Any contestant who is striking hard or forcibly or using excessive force to the head or body will be penalised.
- A clean throw is one which, in the Judges view, has been executed cleanly and is a recognised technique. A take down is a throw which has not been executed cleanly but has resulted in the opponent being taken to the ground. Once a hold has been taken with a view to a throw being made NO further strikes may be thrown. The attacker or contestant attempting the throw then has 10seconds to complete the move before the referee calls break. If a contestant is in a standing lock or strangle then that contestant may not be thrown, so locks and strangles may not be used to effect a throw. However if a contestant falls to the ground while grappling and the Referee feels that one contestant may execute a clean locking technique they may be allowed a further 10 seconds to elapse. Please note that this should not encourage a mini ground fighting round.
- In the event of a clean throw being made and a counter throw being used to follow up by the contestant who has been thrown, then the first throw must count. In the event of the first throw being a take down and counter being executed, the judges may award the points as they see fit.
- If a contestant deliberately steps out of the area to avoid an attack then that person will be penalised and the Referee will indicate the penalty buy pushing his/her arms away from their chest, the Judges should then award 3points to the other person. Each official must be sure that this was a deliberate act of stepping out before signaling or awarding points. If a contestant simply pushes their opponent out of the area this should not be penalised.
- Passivity is another reason for a contestant to be penalised, this when they fail to deliver an all round mix of techniques and concentrate on only one or two attacks. After a period of 20seconds the Referee must warn the contestant "change techniques please - beware of passivity". If no change is attempted then after a further 20seconds the round is stopped and the other contestant awarded 5 points for the offence, the round then continues.
Here is a list of techniques, which must be considered illegal.
- Head Butts
- Hair Pulls
- Bitin
- Scratching
- Elbow & Knee Strikes
- Strangle Followed by a Throw
- Low Kicks
- Dropping on to a Downed Opponent
- Any Uncontrolled Technique
All techniques are at the discretion of the Officials whose primary aim MUST be the welfare & safety of the competitors.
At the end of each bout the judges will return to their seats and the Referee calls the contestants to him/her. To signify the winner each judge (as in Random Attacks) holds up a flag/card of the appropriate colour to signify the winner. (Each judge looking to the floor).
Senior Groundfighting
There are no grade requirements in this group. Categories are by weight only.
- Male:
- Under 68kg
- 68kg - 75kg
- 75kg - 82kg
- 82kg - 90kg
- 90kg & over
- Female:
- Under 60kg
- Over 60kg
- Over 40 years old
- will be split in to two categories Lightweight & Heavyweight
The judges will be seated on the safety area, they must be particularly alert to the need to remove both their chairs and themselves when it appears that the players fighting are approaching the area where they are seated. The Referee will remain in the contest area. The players will stand in the centre of the contest area approx. 1metre apart, facing the Referee. They then make a standing bow to the Referee, turn and bow to each other, before going into a kneeling position, ready to begin the contest. From this point on no competitor may rise up without having one knee on the ground.
The Referee will check with the table officials before announcing "begin" or similar to start the contest. At the end of the contest, on hearing the timekeeper's signal, the Referee will announce "stop". The players will return to the place in which they began the contest (facing each other & standing); they will then make a standing bow, after the Referee has indicated the result of the contest.
The winner of the contest will be the player who secures a submission from their opponent by means of a strangle, choke, arm or leg locking technique. This immediately ends the contest. Although pressure point techniques are allowed, they must not be applied with the fingertips and can only be applied to the neck area (i.e. strangle holds).
In the event of a drawn contest, the Referee will call on the two Judges for a decision in accordance with the majority of three rule. He may also elect to give the players a further minute of fighting time to enable him/her to make a decision. The Referee will indicate the winner by raising his/her hand above shoulder height towards the winner.
These are divided in to four categories;
- One point penalty; is for a minor infringement
- Two point penalty; is for a moderate infringement
- Three-point penalty is for serious infringement
- Four point penalty instant disqualification
The division of the four groups is intended as a guide to give a clearer understanding by all, of the relative penalties normally awarded for committing the applicable prohibited act. The Referee awarding these points should take in the situation and intent of any action in the best interest of the players and spirit of the United Nations of Ju-Jitsu.
- To intentionally avoid taking hold of the opponent to prevent action in the contest.
- To intentionally disarrange his/her own jacket, or to untie or re-tie the belt or the trousers without the Referees permission.
- To intentionally raise both knees from the ground in order to attack or defend a technique
- To pinch, gouge, and use the fingertips when pressure points are used.
Coming up on both feet in a low posture is permissible, when a rolling action is made into a recognisable technique.
- To bend back the opponents finger or fingers in order to break his grip.
- To kick with knee, foot, hand or arm to the opponent, in order to make him release his grip.
- To push with the hand, arm or foot to the opponents face, in order to make him release his grip (e.g. face bar).
- To apply the action of leg scissors to the opponent's trunk, neck or head unless used as a recognisable technique.
- To make unnecessary calls, remarks or gestures, derogatory to the opponent or Referee during the contest.
- To apply any wristlock.
- To apply any action which may injure the neck or spinal vertebrae of the opponent.
- To attempt to apply any technique outside of the contest area.
- To intentionally force the opponent outside the contest area or to go outside the contest area for any reason, other than while applying a technique started in the contest area or except as a result of a technique or action of the opponent.
- To disregard the Referees instructions.
- To lift up off the mat an opponent who is lying on his back or side in order to drive him back into the mat.
- Any action from any player who in the opinion of the Referee has acted against the spirit of Ju-Jitsu.
- Verbal abuse to a Referee, Official or Opponent.
- Excessive violent behaviour.
- Not to release a strangle or joint lock when their opponent has submitted.
- When a player has had a three-point penalty awarded against them and then receives a further penalty.
Junior Groundfighting
Age 12 - 17 years as per sparring these will be separated by age in to the following.
- Group 1 - 12 - 13 years
- Group 2 - 14 - 17 years
The Competition is a knock out event with one round lasting 1 minute.
The Result of a contest shall be decided on hold-downs only. (i.e. one hold down lasting 30seconds or two hold-downs lasting 15 seconds).
The groups as per the seniors are decided by weight only and require no grade requirements. The grouping will be at the Senior Official Discretion.
Pairs Demonstration
In both the senior & junior categories there is no weight/grade requirements.
During Pairs Demonstrations all 3 judges remain seated. All demonstrations must last no longer than 2 minutes. Should any demonstration go over this time the timekeeper must indicate that the 2minutes is up. The Caller is responsible for ensuring that the competition mat is smooth running, by ensuring that whilst one pair is demonstrating the next pair are at the corner of the mat in readiness.
Empty Hand Kata
This category is open to both seniors & juniors separately. It has no grade or weight requirement.
In this category the judges remain seated and score on the marking sheets provided, judging each section with a maximum of 10 points.
The caller as per the Pairs Demo Category is responsible for the smooth running of the competition mat.
There are no time limits in this category and all Kata's demonstrated should be recognised Association Kata's.
Weapons Kata
This category is open to Purple Belts and above, no student below the grade of purple should be instructed in Ko-Budo. There is no junior section.
In this category the judges will remain seated and score on the marking sheet provided, judging each section with a maximum of 10 points.
The caller will as per the pairs demonstration category be responsible for the smooth running of the competition.
There are no time limits. All Kata's demonstrated should be recognised Association Kata's.