Calendar SAJJC National Championships

Date: 21 October 2017
Venue: Kempton Park, South Africa
Organization: SAJJC
Rules: SAJJC

These championships will also serve as trials for the South African Ju-Jitsu team that will compete at the United Nations of Ju-Jitsu Championships, in Gibraltar in 2018.

Please note the following:

  • Random attacks are compulsory for this event.
  • It is the club instructor responsibility to ensure that all participants have the required safety equipment for the event in which they have entered.  It is also the instructors responsibility to ensure that competitors have an understanding of the competition rules and mat etiquette.  Non adherence will result in disqualification.
  • The official dress for competitors is Black Gi pants and White Gi top.
  • Instructors  (judges & referees) to wear black pants and SAJJC golf shirt.
  • All late entries received will be charged a penalty fee of R50 per entry.


Division Juniors Teens & Seniors
Random Attacks R200 R250
Weapons Kata R50 R50
Pairs Kata R50 R50
Ground Fighting R50 R50
Ju-Jitsu Sparring R50 R50
Team Demo R50 p/p R50 p/p