Calendar Zhenkai Ju-Jitsu Challenge

Date: 30 July 2016
Venue: Olimpia Park Stadium, Geelhout Park, Rustenburg
Organization: SAJJC
Rules: SAJJC

Standup / Grappling / Self Defense (open to all styles)

Weigh-in between 06:30 and 08:00 Saterday, 30 July 2016

Competition Entry Fee: R200


  • Pee-Wee (3 - 6 years under 25kg)
  • Juniors (from 6 - 16 years of age)
  • Seniors (17 years and above)


Junirs under 16 years of age (White to Blue)

  1. One attacker that will attack for 1 min continuesly
  2. Defender to defend for 1 min continiously

Juniors under 16 years of age (Purple to Brown)

  1. One attacker that will attack for 1 min continuesly
  2. An additional attacker for an extra 30 seconds
  3. Defender to defend for 1 min and 30 sec continiously

Seniors 17 years and above (White to Blue)

  1. One attacker that will attack for 1 min continuesly
  2. Defender to defend for 1 min continiously

Seniors 17 years and above (Purple to Brown)

  1. One attacker that will attack for 1 min continuesly
  2. An additional attacker for an extra 30 seconds
  3. Defender to defend for 1 min and 30 sec continiously

Senior Dan Grades

  1. One attacker that will attack for 1 min continuesly
  2. An additional attacker for an extra 30 seconds
  3. Defender to defend for 1 min and 30 sec continiously

Weapons to be used: (Control of weapon - weapon not allowed to be outside of red marked area on mat)

  • Knife
  • Stick
  • Belt


  • Overall apperance
  • Reaction
  • Control
  • Flow
  • Ju-Jitsu techniques

Only the students with the higest score will continue to the next round