Articles Covid-19

Author: Jonathan Thomson
Date: 17 September 2020

In August 2020 Gojukan Dojo re-opened their doors with their official Covid-19 Compiance certification. New protocols had to be put in place, but training has once again resumed and the students are once again training at the Dojo under the laws and protocols put in place by MAASA and SASCOC.

Most common symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Dry cough
  • Fatigue
  • Coughing up slime (producing sputum in the lungs)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Muscle or joint ache or pain
  • Body chills

To plan, prepare and implement everything that is needed prior to opening the clubs in a safe and successful manner through the guidelines and protocols issued by MASA in conjunction with government regulations. These will include but not be limited to the following Which will be covered in a annexure document with all advisory details contained.

  1. ESSENTIAL KIT (Items that all a ending members must have with them before arrival at the Dojo)
  2. PRE-PREPARATION (Student and family's responsibili es pre a ending training at the Dojo)
  3. ARRIVAL (Student and family's protocols on arrival at the venue)
  4. ARRIVAL INSTRUCTORS & OWNERS PROTOCOLS (Protocols pertaining to the responsibilities the Instructor needs to meet to each person arriving at the Dojo. This as example includes temperature screening for everyone)
  5. ON THE MAT PROTOCOLS (All point related to the moment they are called to line up and everything in betweenrelated to all activities individual and collec ve on the mat)
  6. OFF THE MAT PROTOCOLS (All points related to all protocols and general behaviour of anyone in the Dojo including students, family, and Instructors once they are off the mat. Partcularly before and after training)
  7. REST ROOM PROTOCOLS (What to do when using the rest room and limita ons of use. No Showering for instance at the venue)
  8. DEPARTURE PROTOCOLS (How and when Student and family's need to react once training is over from the minute they walk off the mat to the minute the leave in their vehicles including outside premises protocols)
  9. WAIVER POINTS OF INCLUSION (The points we need to list on a waiver which all Student and family will need to complete BEFORE ATTENDING OR STEPPING INTO the Dojo)
  10. COVID 19 SYMPTOM PRE-CHECK (Advisory point to all members and supporters to self-evaluate their current health risk factor level)
  11. NON-NEGOTIABLE PROTOCOLS AND ETIQUETTE (regardless of what style we teach or type of mar al arts, this will be clearly issued guidelines that would be non-nego able. We keep this list short but effec ve and leave the rest to the advisory appendix we agreed to add on for instructors to implement at their own decision)
  12. ADVISORY SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENT (Advisory points to all Instructors on protocols, implementa on, combat restric ons, hygiene, safety, and responsibility or behavioural control of all in a endance)


  • The sanitisation of the venue including all mats, handles, switches, rest room facilities, and any communal equipment to be used by members.
  • Establishing guidelines on spacing and amounts of training members according to the facility size
  • Verbal and/or (both) disclaimers confirming no current symptoms of COVID-19 and taking temperature readings on all people before entering the venue. Ensuring any selective areas that need to be marked of for no access or use is done in a clearly visible manner, restric ons or complete exclusions of any spectators or supporters and social distancing policies.
  • Establish the recommended number of sanita on dispenser stations but with the clear criteria that each member must have his/her own personal PPE items with prior to entering the venue which MUST include their own sani za on consisting of hospital grade or COVID-19 approved sani ser/disinfectant.
  • Insistence on the recommenda on that each member brings their own hand towel or paper towels, toilet paper, ssues, soap and disinfec on spray to not only use but also a plastic bag to use to keep such items once used so that they may be safely disposed of off site to prevent further cross contamina on and also add a further shield for staff or Instructors not to need to experience further high risk to themselves when sanitizing the venue multiple times a day.
  • The con nued training of all staff and Instructors to ensure all are up to date with evolving new protocols.
  • Clearly established ac on plan to manage any known risk of exposure within the club by way of recording it, repor ng it to the proper authorities and to commence an immediate tracing me line to communicate and inform all of such risk.
  • Implement email, print, text and meetings with staff and Instructors to keep everyone informed of all protocols. Who is responsible for what individual task, and who is responsible for assisting in multi tasks. This includes protocols for towards members and supporters or family.

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